Zona does very well pulling the little dog sled we have for her. Amelia has even fallen asleep on the trail with her. Courtney has begun to ride Arizona on the trails, and both are doing great. Can't wait for spring.
Zona is bred and due around April of 2010, what ever this foal is it will definatly have bad hair! Upon check it appears that Arizona has absorbed the pregnancy. Maybe another time.
Once again Zona was amazing! She walked the Winthrop parade with cool confidence helping Meghan learn to lead a horse in December.
2013 Zona has taken to having Finn ride her now, and to play on the ground with Amelia. Her feet are doing great, and she likes being able to roam from paddock to paddock.
It is with a heavy heart that I write of Arizona's passing. 7/18/15 Her founder had finally got the best of her, and she was in too much pain. I will not confine my animals to live a life that is not quality. Founder is a tough disease to fight, but she had fought it since age three. Her whinny and spunk is missed at the barn. Her pasturemates were able to say thier farewell, the remaining herdmates were silent for the day.